The Myths of Travel

Travelling is expensive [nope]
Guidebooks are the best travel advisors [nope]
The world is dangerous [nope]
A trip must be precisely planned [please no]
Street food is unsafe [oh my no]
Everyone knows English [no no]

Travelling is Expensive


The most common misconception: Travel is expensive. Contrary to popular belief, travel is not expensive - at least it doesn't have to be. With the wide range of budget airlines, accommodation and the ease of accessibility, travel has dwindled in expense. Sure, some places are expensive (France, am I right?!) but there are places that require minimal spending, but ultimate experience. For example India, Nepal, South East Asia and even European countries can be done on a budget. 

Guidebooks are the best travel advisors


In all of my travels I have only ever used a guidebook once and it only gave me two things that were relevant to me. Now, I'm not saying that they're not for everyone. They are often out of date and you don't know if the person writing them is relatable to you or whether or not you have to same objective when visiting a city. The best possible way is to get information from blogs, friends, other travellers or even just completely winging it. Having said that, guidebooks do come in handy for looking up the cheap, unbooked hotel that you don't know of, in the unfamiliar city you have just arrived at in the middle of the night.

The world is a dangerous place


Contrary to the horror stories that are plastered all over the television and the newspaper, the world is ultimately a safe place to travel. Of course there are some countries that require extra caution, but for the most part the world welcomes you with open arms and new experiences! 

A trip must be precisely planned


If you don't plan, nothing can truly go wrong. Deadlines cannot be met. Trains cannot be caught. Hotel reservations cannot be made. Upon saying this, some areas require pre booking (i.e busabout can book up quite quickly) When everything is planned there is no room for flexibility.

Street food is unsafe


Many people would rather sit down in a restaurant than to eat out in an "unhygienic" street stall. Firstly, do you really know what's going on in the kitchen because you can't view inside. With street stalls all food is cook directly in front of you. You see every move that the chef makes. Most street foods are also stir fried, deep fried or barbecued on a very high heat, meaning that anything funky that could have been there have been seared out. 

Everyone knows English


Sure, a lot of countries do know some English - but to assume that all know English is inherently wrong. There's nothing better than being able to arrive in a country and use the proper dialog for Pleases, thank yous', and other basics (such as water, hello, goodbye etc) Not only do you feel good about using local language but the locals enjoy it too! 





Budget travel advice from the lousiest beatniks that wander on this land.